MSC: | 35J57 | Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic systems |
35B50 | Maximum principles | |
35B09 | Positive solutions |
Combining the results of a recent paper by Fleckinger-Hernández-de Thélin [*] for a non cooperative
$2\times 2$ system with the method of PhD Thesis of M. H. Lécureux
we compute the sign of the solutions of a $n\times n$ non-cooperative systems when the parameter varies near
the lowest principal eigenvalue of the system.
[*] Fleckinger, J., Hernández, J., and de Thélin, F. : Estimate of the validity interval
for the Antimaximum Principle and application to a non-cooperative system. Rostock
Math. Kolloq. 69 (2014/15), p. 19 - 32