Hans-Dietrich O.F. Gronau, Donald L. Kreher
Super-simple (v,5,2)-designs
Preprint series: Preprints aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Rostock
05B05 Block designs, See also {51E05, 62K10}
Abstract: In this paper we study the spectrum of super--simple
$(v,5,2)$--designs. We show that a super--simple $(v,5,2)$--design exists if and only if $v \equiv 1 \mbox{ or } 5 \pmod{10}$, $v\neq 5, 15$, except possibly when $v \in \{ 75,95,115,135,195,215,231,285,365,385,515 \}.$
Keywords: super--simple design, suborthogonal double cover, group divisible design